I love writing

Do you know how you ruin a child’s life? You look at something they wrote and say, “This is pretty good. You should become a writer.” Please don’t do that, rather let the poor thing stick to realistic goals like becoming an accountant or lawyer. Why do I say so? Because I can testify to it. There are many reasons why I love writing, but it can be a burden as well.
The influence of bad friends
I don’t think someone outright said that I should become a writer as a child. I really enjoyed it and tried to do some writing at school. It was there that friends told me I could be a writer. Geez, that’s what my parents meant when they said that I should choose my friends wisely. Just look at what happened.
Daddy issues
I love writing, and I always have. I guess it’s because I love stories and I can only blame my old man for that. When we were little, he used to tell us all kinds of stories, especially adventure stories.
It was only when I was an adult that he told me he had made all of it up on the spot. If I’m honest, most of my uncles on my dad’s side were great storytellers as well. It must have been because on the farm where they grew up, they didn’t have television and I don’t think they cared much for reading, so they made up stories to pass the time.
This year I started a blog where I wrote some of the stories my dad has told us over the years. It’s a special project, especially since I’m so far away from them.
Writing my heart out
This love of writing started quite early for me. When I was probably four or five years old, I wanted to write a story, but I had one problem—I couldn’t write yet. I then took an empty jotting book that was lying around the house and drew my story. Actually, I did this with two jotting books—it was a sequel. How ridiculously adorable is that?
The main character was in the shape of a heart, but this heart had a face, arms, and legs. There wasn’t really a storyline, it just followed this character’s daily life.
From time to time my mom bugs me and says that I should do something with that story. If I’m honest, I tried to turn it into a story and it is hidden away somewhere on my laptop. Maybe one day I can figure out all the kinks and produce something that people will actually want to read.
Stick to what you know—for now
I’ve had this blog for a couple of years now, and another for a while before it. I like that I can share whatever weird things pop into my mind with the world. Also, I get to share my opinion about various topics on this platform. They’re not always informed opinions (although I try), but hey, the internet thrives on uninformed opinions.
How it all started
The reason I started this blog in the first place was that my lecturer suggested it for our journalism class in my first year at university. It helps you to practice your craft, gives you a sense of a deadline and gives you an online presence. Plus, if you’re good at it, you can make a living off your blog. I don’t think I’ll ever make a living from my blog, and that is absolutely fine by me.
Also, I get to tell stories without making eye contact, which for me is a great plus point. I hate that I can’t edit real conversations, but such is life, I guess.
Sharing stories
There are a couple of blogs I often read and I like that I get to know people through them. I get to know their stories and struggles.
On that note, I’d love to have fellow bloggers share their stories or any witty/quirky posts on my blog. Please feel free to reach out on Twitter or via email. I’d love to hear from you. Also, Ed from Share my story Ed has a great blog where he shares people’s stories. Do yourself a favour and check it out here.
Do you love writing? What do you love about it?
P.S. If you’d like to contact me, feel free to comment below, send an email to thatmichelleperson@gmail.com, or follow me on Twitter @M_ClutterBox.
When I was in high school, one of my teachers told me I was a terrible writer and should just stick to typing. Fast forward many years and pretty much every job I have had in my business career has involved writing in some form or another. After I started my blog, I realized I’m actually a pretty good writer. I would love to go back and have a conversation with that teacher, although I doubt he’s still alive.
That Michelle Person
See, teachers don’t always know best. I’m glad you stuck to writing 🙂
Fransic verso
I think I can describe it as writing my heart out. The big part that I love about writing but also, how I communicate with people through words.
That Michelle Person
Thanks for reading and commenting 🙂
I 100% agree with you that telling an impressionable child that they should become a writer because their one piece of writing is really good is the worst thing that you can do. I’ve been told that many many times. Teachers, friends, family members all told me that I should become a writer. And I kinda, sorta did. But I’m not exactly making millions off my writing, am I?
That Michelle Person
I wonder what would have happened if no-one had told us that as children? Where would we have been?
Thanks for reading and commenting 🙂