Our hotel quarantine is almost over

Here in Australia, if you come in from another country, there is a 14-day mandatory hotel quarantine. After what has felt like forever, our hotel quarantine is almost over.
Stockholm syndrome
The hotel room they booked us into was okay—not great, but okay. I just wish we had a kitchen or even just a kitchen basin, but otherwise, it was fine.
We had a place to eat, sleep, shower, and surf the web—what else could you want?
As much as I want to get out of here, I will miss being brought food three times a day. The food was fine, but the appeal really laid in the fact that we didn’t have to make it ourselves.
Not much happened
For the first week, we were still pretty jet-lagged and zombie-like, so we didn’t do much productive. I tried to study for tests and do assignments, but it didn’t go far.
This week, however, I had a deadline looming and worked from Monday to Friday on it non-stop. I think if I wasn’t in this comfy prison, I wouldn’t have done much and probably failed that assignment.
Otherwise, not much happened. There was a multicultural festival in the park opposite the hotel, so we could listen to some cool tunes. One day the neighbour played their music on full blast for hours on end, and I pulled a Karen on myself and called the hotel to have them shut him/her up.

The park opposite the hotel
Also, one morning a huge black, crow-looking bird sat on the railing of the balcony. I think it’s a magpie, not sure though. Before I could take a picture, it took off.
And that pretty much sums up quarantine.
The plans now
After multiple negative COVID-19 tests, we’re coming out of quarantine tomorrow.
The hotel is taking us back to the airport tomorrow morning and then they’re done with us. My sister-in-law is picking us up and then we have to start setting up our lives here.
We need to find a place to live, set up our public transport cards, finalise our banking stuff, buy a lot of stuff, and the list goes on (and on, and on).
Oh, and I need to finish up my studies and find a job—fun …
How did you keep busy during COVID-19 quarantine(s)? Tell me about it in the comments.
P.S. If you’d like to contact me, feel free to comment below, send an email to thatmichelleperson@gmail.com, or follow me on Twitter @M_ClutterBox.