Healthy 2020: Let’s do week 5

Since we’re going into week 5 of 2020, let’s talk about our Healthy 2020 progress so far.
I’ll be the first one to admit it, I’m not fairing great with the whole 2 liters of water per day thing. Sometimes I simply forget. I can eat a healthy breakfast and eat my fruits and veg but the water thing is just killing me.
To address this problem there are apps that remind you to drink water, and you can find them here. My phone is ancient and I can’t afford a new one, so I’ll set different alarms throughout the day and we’ll see how that goes.
Before we go on, let’s see what new healthy habits we have introduced so far:
- Week 1: Drink 2 liters of water per day
- Week 2: Eat breakfast within one hour of waking up (it could have been any breakfast – didn’t have to be healthy)
- Week 3: This week you must eat a healthy breakfast (there are plenty of suggestions in the previous post)
- Week 4: Add in two portions of fruits or veggies in your diet per day.
So far, so good (well, mostly).
Healthy 2020 week 5 challenge
The challenge for this week is to eat your biggest meal of the day at lunchtime. The reason why I say this is that it forces you to eat in the middle of the day and not fast and then stuff your face at night. This means that your body has more time to use up the energy that you consume.
At this point, again, your lunch can be anything. The point is to learn the habit.
You may be thinking, “I can’t do that, then the food will make me sluggish and lazy.” To that I say, none of your meals should be huge where you feel like you can’t move (Sunday lunch with grandma is the exception). You have a good idea of how much food makes you feel stuffed, then obviously, eat less than that.
Also, if you still feel hungry after your first plate of food, wait ten minutes and see if you still feel the same. Sometimes your stomach takes its time to send the message that you’re full to the brain.
What do you think? Is Healthy 2020 helping you?
P.S. If you’d like to contact me, feel free to comment below, send an email to, or follow me on Twitter @M_ClutterBox.
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