This time next year

Renata from Buffalo Sauce Everywhere nominated me to write a post about where I want to be this time next year.

During the last part of the year I had post-adrenaline depression, because the first few months were filled with chaos. So, it’s nice to be excited about the new year, which hopefully will not be as insane as the previous.

I hate new year’s resolutions, because nobody ever sticks to them. However, I am in favour of goals – which I usually have a better time with, and you can set them any time of the year.

The rules

  • Thank the person who tagged you. (Thanks, Renata! You can find her awesome blog here.)
  • Write your goals for next year.
  • Write how you’re going to achieve these goals. (I’m probably not going to go into much depth right now.)
  • Tag at least five blogger friends.
  • Optional: In 365 days, write a post about whether or not you’ve been successful!

Karate and fitness

My husband and I were part of a fitness class in South Africa, but since we’ve moved to Australia we haven’t been as committed to fitness as we once were. I’m hoping we can find another awesome fitness class.

Also, I haven’t really gone out of my way to find another karate dojo, but I’m up for trying out a different martial art if that’s all we have in the surrounding area.

Get a job

I have been looking for jobs this side, but I’ve been either wildly over or underqualified for everything I’ve applied for. I’ve found a few sites where I can do freelance work, so I’ll keep busy with that until I find a job.

Explore and adventures

We’ve been in Australia for three months but we haven’t seen much of the place. This year we want to explore more and my husband has given me the task of planning our adventures. Challenge accepted.

Get into a routine

This is the first time my husband and I are living on our own, so we’re still trying to figure it out. This year I want to get into the routine of life’s mundane things, like laundry, cleaning, and cooking. Right now we’re all over the place.

More reading

Last year was so hectic, the only books I read were related to my academics. During the holidays I bought a couple of books at a secondhand store and I’m planning on working through all of them.

My plan is to read before bed. It’s better than scrolling through social media.

Keep on blogging and start a new blog with dad

Obviously, I want to keep blogging on this blog. But I’ve already started writing content for a new blog I want to start with my dad. It’s all about the funny stories from his youth and life on the farm.

He just tells me the stories, I write them down and do all the technical stuff.


Here I’m supposed to tag other bloggers, but everyone I wanted to tag had already done this tag. So, for anyone reading this wanting to participate, tag yourself 😊


Happy 2022! We’ve survived the plague for this long, it can only get better.

A merry meh.


P.S. If you’d like to contact me, feel free to comment below, send an email to, or follow me on Twitter @M_ClutterBox.

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