2021 wrap-up

Well, this was a wild year. So much happened, which is a lot for me to wrap my mind around, seeing as I am still recovering from 2020. Well, let me try to do a 2021 wrap-up.


In the last week of February, my now-husband and I got engaged. I was totally expecting it, but it was still very romantic and I wouldn’t change anything.

We had been talking about immigrating, and my condition was that I wanted to get married before we went. Also, he/we already asked for my parents’ blessing in December 2020. So yeah, I expected it.

Wedding planning

The wedding itself was awesome, but I absolutely hated wedding planning. The fact that I had to plan a wedding in about two months also did not help the situation.


Yes, I had the Rona. Guess where I got it? From one of my bridesmaids, the day I asked her to be my bridesmaid. And I had it a month before the wedding.

I didn’t get very sick. It felt like the flu, but I am still struggling with some of the long-term effects. The worst thing was the day that I found out. Guess when I found out? April 1st.

Now let me tell you, there is no good day to find out you have the plague, but April 1st, aka April Fool’s Day, is the absolute worst day. I then had to tell everyone I had been in contact with to isolate, and they all thought I was making a bad joke.

Luckily none of my family members or soon-to-be in-laws contracted it, so I’m grateful for that.

I got married

This year I married my best friend, and it was awesome. I had a lovely day at our weird wedding and I wouldn’t have had it any other way.

We immigrated

We moved to the land of the kangaroos amid a global pandemic. Unfortunately, we couldn’t see much of the place for the first 14 days, because of the hotel quarantine, but we’ve been here almost three months and we are slowly but surely adjusting to the weird and wonderful ways of the Aussies.

I completed my teaching qualification

I can’t believe I got through that hell. It was the worst educational experience of my life. I don’t mean to be a Debbie Downer, but FFS the people at that university can be grateful that I can’t punch them over the phone.

Many of the lecturers were incompetent, the academic advising was non-existent, and the faculty was pathetic in all regards.


It was a good year, but I won’t survive another one like it. There was just too much going on.

Enough about me, how was your year? I’d love to hear about it in the comments.



P.S. If you’d like to contact me, feel free to comment below, send an email to thatmichelleperson@gmail.com, or follow me on Twitter @M_ClutterBox.