I don’t like Christmas

There, I said it. I don’t like Christmas – the best I can do is tolerate it. There are various reasons I don’t like it, which I’ll get into.
There’s nothing wrong with being excited about Christmas and looking forward to it all year. I’m just telling you what my experience is. Go enjoy the day if you love it.
When I was younger
I loved Christmas when I was little. The whole idea of watching Christmas movies, eating pudding, and getting gifts were very exciting.
Let’s be honest, Christmas is for the kids, so that’s the way it should have been for me.
I think it changed when I was in high school.
The weather
Christmas in the Southern Hemisphere is a lot different from Christmas in the Northern Hemisphere.
December is one of the hottest months of the year, and I hate the heat (I’m not keen on the cold either if I’m honest). It’s hot, I’m sweaty, and because of that, I’m moody.
Also, we don’t have an air conditioner in our home so I have to try to sleep in the heat. I usually have to take sleeping pills just to get a good night’s rest.
In the last couple of years, we’ve also had terrible droughts during the summers, which made the whole situation a lot worse.
Post-adrenaline blues
When Christmas hits, the year is almost over and I always get post-adrenaline blues because of it.
It’s worse this year because I couldn’t do everything that I wanted to because of COVID-19, but at least I’m still alive.
Also, that week following Christmas always feels weird. It’s like you don’t know who you are or what you should do during the days between Christmas and New Year’s.
Capitalism at its worst
This is the thing I hate the most about Christmas. There’s this huge consumer culture regarding Christmas, and it’s sick.
All the shops are full during this time, so it’s impossible to make a quick visit to the grocery store without being trampled on.
The holidays are so hyped up that people feel pressured to buy things they don’t need to impress family members they want to punch in the throat, anyway. I wish we could all enjoy it on our own terms.
When we were younger, we didn’t have much, but my parents tried. I had a toxic friend who would get all this stuff and brag about it, knowing that my family couldn’t afford any of that stuff.
Christmas shouldn’t be a financial burden – but that’s just me.
I love spending time with my family and my boyfriend and his family, but that’s priceless. We don’t need all this stuff.
What I want for Christmas
I don’t want presents, nor chocolate. I just want some family time, a nap, and COVID-19 out of my life.
P.S. If you’d like to contact me, feel free to comment below, send an email to thatmichelleperson@gmail.com, or follow me on Twitter @M_ClutterBox.
I love Christmas but I can’t disagree with any of your points. I think the three things you want are what we all wish for this year.
That Michelle Person
Thanks for reading 🙂
That is fair enough Christmas isn’t for everyone.
That Michelle Person
True! Thanks for reading 🙂
I love Christmas for the original reasons. For many years, a certain family member ruined it for me as that person would criticize the gifts and how I even wrapped my presents… but I am happy that I am able to give a bit of something to all my elders and people I care about. Since I was young, I learned to budget and save to give back. I became a extreme couponing expert…
That Michelle Person
Who criticizes gift wrapping?! Couponing seems so much fun, but it’s not really a thing here where I live. Hope you have a great Christmas!
Thanks for reading 🙂
Trust me… there are people out there who will criticize anything …. I basically told that person to shut their mouth as I am the one buying and wrapping the gift… actually I wasn’t wrapping them, I was reusing gift bags! Save money and less garbage.
That Michelle Person
Oh wow! That definitely is the kind of person that would rub me up the wrong way.
I have quite a few of these annoying critics in my life.
I enjoy Christmas at it’s root, the gifts for family, the time together, decorating the tree. But I hate the monster it has become.
That Michelle Person
It really has become a monster. At least there’s a nice dinner to look forward to 🙂
Thanks for reading 🙂
Claire Lomax
It is one of my favourite times of the year but it really isn’t for everyone. My Fiance can take it or leave it… Well as long as he gets a huge Christmas dinner!!
That Michelle Person
It seems like you’ve worked out a good compromise 🙂
Thanks for reading 🙂
TheQuietGirl (Anissa)
Christmas is definitely for kids, I have no problem with people being excited for the holidays but as I got older, I realized how hyped it was. I don’t particularly like Christmas that much either lol, those three things are definitely what I want for Christmas but I’ll buy myself some chocolate as well 😅, Great post!
That Michelle Person
I’m happy I’m not the only one 🙂
Thanks for reading 🙂
Refreshingly honest post. I hate shopping at the best of times and some people have a horrible Christmas.
That Michelle Person
Thanks for reading 🙂
I love everything about Christmas! But yes, we can’t deny that’s one of the times when businesses take advantage of the strong shopping urge of consumers.
That Michelle Person
I’m glad that you love Christmas, but yes, some people take advantage of it.
Thanks for reading 🙂
I do feel for you when it comes to the climate, it can’t be nice to experience. And I can’t agree more when it comes to capitalism and consumerism, it just gets everyone feeling anxious about presents and parties etc. I’m not a fan of that side, I do only like the Christmas lights and time off work. Good thoughts here.
That Michelle Person
Thanks for reading! 🙂
Lynn Mejia
I adored reading this post! I love Christmas so much but part of it is because we have proper seasons so the Christmas festivities are much easier to do obviously when it’s cold! Now, I wonder how I’d like Christmas if the climate was hotter where I lived. Refreshing to see your perspective xo
That Michelle Person
At least we can drink cocktails next to the pool on Christmas day 🙂
Thanks for reading 🙂
I agree with you that Christmas is definitely just for the kids. It’s just not as fun once you become an adult. It’s like the magic disappears once you stop believing in Santa lol
That Michelle Person
Yes, the magic disappears when you’re the person who pays for everything 🙂
Thanks for reading!
Smelly Socks and Garden Peas
Oh I’d love a good afternoon nap too. Although we very rarely have a white Christmas here, the idea of Christmas in the summer does seem quite odd too. I hope you’ve managed to enjoy some family time this year xx
That Michelle Person
Yes, we did have family time – it was great 🙂
Thanks for reading!
Jack Leonard
Lovely and also bah humbug! I couldn’t agree more. This year another factor has been added to the mix of reasons why Christmas has been odd. Apart from the weird post-Christmas disorientation, my two daughters are now really young adults and in that in-between phase themselves – wanting to move on to the next phase of their lives i.e. boyfriends, houses, jobs but (thankfully) no grandkids yet. So the whole Christmas is for kids thing has been put on hold (one of its redeeming features). So, I’m open to loving Christmas again but seriously, the world might need to sort its whole consumeristic backside out! Thanks for putting it out there Michelle!
That Michelle Person
There’s definitely a bit of ‘bah humbug’ in this post, but hopefully it was entertaining 🙂
Thanks for reading!