My mom called me fat

Well, okay, she didn’t use those exact words, but my mom called me fat – technically.
The story
About three weeks ago, I put on a pair of shorts that didn’t quite fit as I remembered, but they still fit (aka, I could still get into them).
I wanted to show my mom a new top that I bought the previous day, so I made my way to the living room to show her what it looks like on me.
Immediately I saw her gaze turn to my thighs and the shorts, which were a bit tight.
She looked me in the eye and said, “Honey, you need to lose some weight.”
She was surprised, nay, dumbfounded that I was upset about her comment.
Yes, I had put on a bit of weight during the lockdown, who didn’t (if you didn’t, then I don’t want to hear about it).
It wasn’t a dramatic weight gain, about 5 to 7 kilograms at most, but it’s the centimetres that screwed me over, and all the fat goes to my ass and thighs.
What to do?
Usually, I wouldn’t mind those kinds of comments, but I was struggling to fit into most of my pants. And since I don’t have money to buy a new wardrobe, I decided to lose a bit of weight.
I already exercise almost every day, so that part is fine, it’s the eating part that’s difficult. I love sugar and food in general. If it contains carbs and sugar, I probably love it. No amount of exercise can keep up with my eating habits.
The main thing for me was to lose fat and replace it with lean muscle.
I used Mannatech’s OsoLean. It’s super pure whey protein, so that helps on the protein front. The product also includes a suggested diet (actually just suggested portions from the different food groups).
I started it about two weeks ago, and I fit into most of my jeans again (although I still have a long way to go).
What’s interesting is that I didn’t consciously cut out any food groups or sugars. I’m so focused on eating all the fruits and vegetables and so on, that I’m too full to eat sugary things (mostly).
I’m also focusing on doing 10 000 steps a day and drinking at least two litres water every day.
To sum up, here in South Africa we don’t need Thanksgiving for family members to make mean comments about our appearance.
Are you on a diet at the moment? How is it going? Let me know in the comments.
P.S. If you’d like to contact me, feel free to comment below, send an email to, or follow me on Twitter @M_ClutterBox.
TheQuietGirl (Anissa)
I think everyone has gain weight since quarantine. My weight fluctuates, I’ve always been a slim person so I don’t really keep on any weight gain. Kinda wished I did tho lol. I love food as well, the sugars are hard to resist lol.
That Michelle Person
I’m so jealous! Fat loves me, it never wants to leave 🙂
Thanks for reading!
Tina L Hendricks
I’m so sorry. I have a huge problem with anyone, especially family, who thinks they have any right whatsoever to comment on your body. None of their f’ing business nor right. I am sending a virtual slap to your mother. Mine did the same thing to me and it is a very unhealthy phenomenon. Thank you for writing about it. However, now I’m all pissed off. That’s okay, I’ll require less caffeine today.
That Michelle Person
I know! Family members are so nosey and judgemental. No one has ever given my mom a virtual slap on my behalf – I feel honoured 🙂
Thanks for reading 🙂
I’ve put on weight too since lockown. 🤣
That Michelle Person
Most of us have, unfortunately. And now it’s the silly season, so this is not a great time to start a diet.
Thanks for reading 🙂
Sara James
Well, Weight gain is a big problem, and more for some people than others due to their genetics sometimes, eating habits or choices of food. I am aware of the importance of a balanced diet as I got a degree in Human nutrition:) Mums are mums, so never mind their comments.:) During lockdowns, most people gained weight; but Michelle, good for you that you lost some extra pounds:)
That Michelle Person
You are right, weight is a big problem … for me 🙂
Thanks for reading 🙂