Ah yes, the friend zone. It’s like quicksand: when you realise you’re in it it’s way too late, and once you’re in there there’s little to no chance of getting out – that’s the myth anyway.
It’s that time of the year again. Tonight will people go out, get drunk, and make bad decisions - so basically it’s like any other evening except people will be wearing slutty costumes.
My dad is a weird and wonderful man. He is funny – as in weird and humorous (as are the rest of my crazies). The thing is, as much as my dad makes me laugh, he’s not funny when he actually tries to be funny. He is the funniest when he has his guard down and says the first thing that comes to mind.
What better way to start “Michelle Reviews” than with the 'John Wick' trilogy and the actor who is breath-taking on so many levels. He’s a great actor, great guy (from what I’ve read), he’s not a pervert, and of course, he’s great looking – like I said, breath-taking.
Seeing as this is a new blog, I thought I’d tell you, dear reader, more about myself. Where better to start than the beginning – my childhood here in sunny South Africa.